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Doumitt Scappoose Bay Classic Fish-in

Saturday, the 4th of August 2018, our club held the first annual Doumitt Scappoose Bay Classic. The weather in the morning was perfect but heated up quickly as we approached the afternoon. We had a great turnout of club anglers with about 20 of us participating. We even had one of the clubs furry friends out with us.

With a water temperature of around 75° and a favorable tidal current fishing was bound to be good. Most of the club's anglers were targeting walleye, while a few decided to target other warm water species. There were reports of plenty of walleye and small mouth bass being caught. Most of those caught were of typical size, with the largest smallmouth bass measuring about 17". At the hot dog cook out, member Don Clark tells his story of picking up that smallmouth while trolling for walleye. There were other species caught at the Classic, with one bing channel catfish, which, in the past has proved to be very tough to find and catch.

The Doumitt Sacppoose Bay Classic is a great fish-in to hone your skills for the up coming All Species Tournament. Team captains will work on plans for the tournament and eyeing possible angling teammates. The All Species Tournament is a club event where the goal is to catch the biggest fish in all ten warmwater species found in the Multnomah Channel. It is the most popular fish-in/contest that the club puts on.

If any of the above interests you, come to a meeting. They are open to the public and held on the 4th Thursday of nearly every month(check the dates around the holidays, the meetings may not be held on the 4th Thursday). You can find more information about our club by click on the About Us tab or checking out the Join Us tab. The Join Us tab will have information about the date of the next meeting and the location of club meetings.

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